Saturday 17 November 2012

The Beauty Queen Ride

The weather is so stable & predictable here. It has been freezing over night, 7 or 8 degrees and sunny during the day all week. Today we headed out for our 4th bike ride in as many days, heading up north to Lake Simcoe. After the first half an hour we were so busy talking that we forgot to turn left and went straight on over the train line before we realised and turned back. By this time the level crossing lights were on and we had to sit & wait for the longest train I have ever seen. It seemed to be miles long - quite astonishing.

Having both suffered from our own special viruses recently we are still taking it easy so we just ride in Genevieves Zone 2 Heart Rate (which is barely recognisable as Zone 1 for me). It actually makes biking really enjoyable - a good winter ride focusing on a high cadence and nice smooth pedalling technique. 
After an hour we reached the southern end of Lake Simcoe but unfortunately the road we chose to get to the lake side was closed due to some unusual Christmas 'Welcome Santa' Parade. It featured a cluttered mix of Fire Engines, Police Cars, A Beauty Queen, some Tractors, some fat men dancing on the side of a tram and, just for us, a marching band all wearing Kilts & playing the bagpipes. 

All the traffic was not allowed through so we stopped & watched the parade for 20 mins before turning round & heading home before the sun dropped. We rode all the way there & never actually got to see the Lake!! Plenty of time though & I am sure we will head up again next week. Rest day tomorrow. Hope you are all having a great weekend!!

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