Thursday 22 November 2012

Sunshine Supplement

I have noticed that there is a quite a big supplement taking culture here in Canada, especially in the Triathlon community. One that stands out to me that is frequently spoken about & advertised on television is Vitamin D. It stands out because even though it is Fall here I have already witnessed more sunny days in the last 6 weeks than I did in the previous 9 months in Scotland. But I have rarely seen Vitamin D promoted or talked about in Scotland?

I am far from qualified on this subject but it is obvious Vitamin D has numerous benefits. It is crucial for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, which have various functions, especially the maintenance of healthy bones and it is also a potent immune system modulator.

It has been recommended here on a few occasions that we both take Vitamin D on a daily basis, which we have now been doing for a month (a nutritionist here could not believe we didn't take it in Scotland!).
We do feel better (it may of course be unrelated) but I also know of another Scot, prone to illness, who has also been taking it & also thinks he notices a difference.

People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin. But winter is upon us & low Vitamin D can result in your body working far below its potential. It seems that if you live in the Northern Hemisphere you're probably not getting anywhere near the right amount, especially if you live in Scotland where it will be virtually night time from now until March!!

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