We see many people passing through Robbies' Hamilton Biomechanics Clinic every week - he is a busy man - but it is fascinating to go through the process in person for a real insight into how it all works. There is alot more going on with these feet of ours than you may initially realise.
After going through a number of tests including video analysis it seems that whilst I am biomechanically symetrical (I do not have any difference in leg length which causes problems for many people) I do have a (wait for it)... 'bilateral hindfoot valgus with a prominent Talonavicular joint and plantarflexed 1st ray'
In short I have a funny heel & an inflexible big toe which affects the rotation of my leg whilst running & cycling leading to some of the injuries which have been dealt to me over the years.
So Robbie has made me some orthotics (insoles) which have (wait for it again)..... bilateral hind and forefoot posts with 1st MTP pockets to accommodate my plantarflexed 1st ray.
I have had orthotics before but never like these - lightweight & flexible & they fit easily into my running & cycling shoes. They have been comfortable from the outset & feel like they are working with my feet.
We see many orthotics in the shops that customers bring in when purchasing shoes and they are invariably hard & rigid . The difference here is that they are Sports Specific & well worth the investment.
Obviously I have the luxury of seeing Robbie regularly at work but 'proper' clients get regular reviews & adjustments included in the price. I will need mine building up more in the future but he will do it in stages to make the transition easier.
I will post again on this subject with an update on my progress but do not hesitate to make an appointment for a FREE consultation if you think this is something that could help you.
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