Friday 10th September - Running Form Workshop
6.15pm - 7.15pm
Meet at top of Hurlawcrook Road
Sunday 3rd October - 10 miler Run
9.00am Start
Meet at Langlands Drive, East Kilbride
Sunday 31st October - 5k, 20k, 5k
9.00am Start
Meet on the A77 - layby on the left after red house
You can do the whole event, just the 1st run or just the bike. Come along. This is not a race just a great fun experience....we'll try and do tea and biscuits afterwards so bring a pound or two.
More events to follow..........
Friday, 27 August 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
triathlonscotland Members Awards
Just a reminder that the closing date for nominations for the triathlonscotland Members Awards is 5 September.
Full details and the nomination process can be found at:
Get voting!
Just a reminder that the closing date for nominations for the triathlonscotland Members Awards is 5 September.
Full details and the nomination process can be found at:
Get voting!
New from Polar .....Polar WearLink®+ transmitter Nike+

Provides heart rate information to web service with compatible Nike+ devices Uses coded 5 kHz transmission, ensuring that your Polar training computer finds your heart rate signal Machine washable textile strap Water-resistant connector User replaceable battery
RRP £59.50
Alan Stirlings story so far.......
As some of you already know, my niece and nephew suffer from a rare genetic condition called Hyper Insulinism (HI). As a result of this they have spent a large chunk of their young lives at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and have both undergone major surgery, some of which was pioneering.
HI is a condition which causes cells in the pancreas to produce excessive amounts of insulin. This results in dangerously low glucose levels in the blood and can lead to a risk of brain damage if not treated quickly.
It is my intention to raise money this summer for the Children’s HI Fund, which is a fund within the Special Trustees Charity of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. I completed a Half Iron-Man in the Lake District on the 27th June (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and a 13 mile fell run), which leaves two more events to go - a 100 mile bike ride in Northern Ireland this Saturday and the Ben Nevis half Triathlon on the 11th September (as painful as it sounds).
With the monies raised the HI fund hopes to employ a full time Research Nurse, a Medical Research Fellow (Dr), Technicians/laboratory based people and equipment. Research is needed in many areas of HI including feeding difficulties, long-term neurological implications, consequences of medical therapy and understanding the mechanisms regulating insulin secretion.
If you would like to sponsor me then you can give to me direct or use the Just Giving site
Thanks for your support
HI is a condition which causes cells in the pancreas to produce excessive amounts of insulin. This results in dangerously low glucose levels in the blood and can lead to a risk of brain damage if not treated quickly.
It is my intention to raise money this summer for the Children’s HI Fund, which is a fund within the Special Trustees Charity of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. I completed a Half Iron-Man in the Lake District on the 27th June (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and a 13 mile fell run), which leaves two more events to go - a 100 mile bike ride in Northern Ireland this Saturday and the Ben Nevis half Triathlon on the 11th September (as painful as it sounds).
With the monies raised the HI fund hopes to employ a full time Research Nurse, a Medical Research Fellow (Dr), Technicians/laboratory based people and equipment. Research is needed in many areas of HI including feeding difficulties, long-term neurological implications, consequences of medical therapy and understanding the mechanisms regulating insulin secretion.
If you would like to sponsor me then you can give to me direct or use the Just Giving site
Thanks for your support
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Strathaven Striders 'Run with the Wind' 10k
A rural point to point race starting at the Ardochrig entrance to Whitelee Wind Farm and finishing in Kirkland Park, Strathaven. The route is undulating but mainly downhill and is accurately measured. We will be using chip timing. You will find details of the race profile and route on the event website.
Registration takes place at Kirkland Park School, Lethame Rd, Strathaven from 09.30 to 10.50. From here competitors will be taken by bus to the race start (included in entry fee) - please note that buses will leave at 11.00 am prompt, so allow time for registration and then the short walk to the bus departure point (5 minutes from registration). The race will start at 11.30 am.
Race results will be posted on the Strathaven Striders web site within 24hours of the race completion. All competitors will receive a memento and hot soup and other goodies at the finish.
The race is a Scottish Athletics Permit Event - under UK Athletics Rules
All entries must be made through Entry Central by the stated closing date. There will be no entries on race day.
Registration takes place at Kirkland Park School, Lethame Rd, Strathaven from 09.30 to 10.50. From here competitors will be taken by bus to the race start (included in entry fee) - please note that buses will leave at 11.00 am prompt, so allow time for registration and then the short walk to the bus departure point (5 minutes from registration). The race will start at 11.30 am.
Race results will be posted on the Strathaven Striders web site within 24hours of the race completion. All competitors will receive a memento and hot soup and other goodies at the finish.
The race is a Scottish Athletics Permit Event - under UK Athletics Rules
All entries must be made through Entry Central by the stated closing date. There will be no entries on race day.
Central Athletic Club presents The 9TH CITY OF STIRLING 10K ROAD RACE
Forthbank Leisure Stadium, Stirling
Sunday 19th September 2010,
The 2010 City of Stirling 10k is the final race in the Stewarts/Scottish Athletics Road Race Grand Prix series. The fast and scenic route is the same as last year’s race and will offer all runners the opportunity to achieve a fast time.
Enter the 10k using the postal entry form or online via
Alternatively, for on-line entry please go to and follow the link to the Sportsystems website. Please also check the Central AC website for further race details or email
Forthbank Leisure Stadium, Stirling
Sunday 19th September 2010,
The 2010 City of Stirling 10k is the final race in the Stewarts/Scottish Athletics Road Race Grand Prix series. The fast and scenic route is the same as last year’s race and will offer all runners the opportunity to achieve a fast time.
Enter the 10k using the postal entry form or online via
Alternatively, for on-line entry please go to and follow the link to the Sportsystems website. Please also check the Central AC website for further race details or email
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Derek Stewarts Ironman
Derek had an amazing Ironman in Copenhagen & finished in style. You can see his final summary on his Blog at the link below.
Monday, 23 August 2010
TEAM £65
Cheques made payable to Wick Tri Club
TIMES REGISTER 10.00 – 11.00am
BRIEFING 11.15am
RACE START 12.00pm
(i.e. AGED 17 BEFORE 31/12/10)
or forms available on request by telephoning/emailing below
TEL. 01955 604170
Copenhagen Report #2
See the link for Mark Daly's Race Report.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Coached swim sessions at Hamilton College
The start of school term sees the re-start of our coached swim sessions at Hamilton College on Wednesday 25th August. Pool access from 5.00pm till 7.00pm. (Session starts at 5.30). These sessions cost £3.00 each to cover pool hire and are now only available to ATHelite Tri Club members.
Tri Club Membership is only £15.00 for the rest of the year so, if you are not a member sign up and come along!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Challenge Copenhagen 2010
The Run Up
Everything had gone to plan getting myself, Genevieve, Alan and Graeme across to Copenhagen Ikea Airport. I should have known it was all going too well. A long nervous wait as our bikes appeared, as did sister Adele from her London flight, but our luggage did not. It eventually popped out half an hour later on a different carousel and with a sigh of relief we dragged our numerous big boxes past the broken lifts down to the Metro only to be turned away due to our (my) excessive cargo and headed back to the terminal. Eventually Alan came up trumps with a huge taxi and we headed for our apartment. Having been dumped in the street we realised we had brought no further address or contact details with us and spent a good hour standing in the street scouring websites and calling confused foreigners before gaining access to our 4 bed (ah - there's 5 of us!) accomodation (up 9 flights of stairs - try that with a bike box).
In the afternoon we headed to the slightly disappointing Expo, registered for the race, went food shopping and finally collapsed fed & watered exhausted into bed.
A bit of a calmer today. Race Briefing at 10.00 was clear and threw up no surprises then we met up with Derek and Mark Daly and headed down to the swim course for a dip. Lovely calm water and almost warm. The only confusion was on Marks part when he took his wetsuit out of his bag and it wasn't even his! Bizarre but true. Fortunately it appeared to belong to someone else the same size.
Friday pm - an uneventful Bike building and test followed by the pasta party in the evening. Nice pasta but no cake? Come on Denmark, really....not even a pastry!
Not too much to do today other than check the bikes in later in the day. Everyone was calm whereas the weather was not and was starting to look like it could an issue. As we headed out on the journey to the swim start to check in bikes the weather was increasingly horrific. The driving rain was getting increasingly bad, the wind was picking up and the sea was not looking the least bit inviting. It was impossible to set up your bike - transition was already underwater. All we could do was rack the bikes, put the rain covers on and tie them on as best we could. Unfortunately the transition bags were to be hung outside and were instantly saturated. We trudged away feeling distinctly edgy. It turns out that what we were experiencing was one of the worst days of weather in Copenhagen in the last 50 years!
Sunday - Race Day!!
Barely slept all night then the alarm went off at 3.45am. After all the long months of training the big day was finally here. The rain seemed to get harder and harder all night but at least seemed to have calmed slightly as we peered out into the dark. We trudged down to the metro at 4.45 with the late night revellers looking on confused as we headed nervously to the swim start. On arrival into Transition it looked like it had been hit by a tidal wave - bikes sitting in lakes of water & the racking holding the transition bags had collapsed in the night. Fortunately the rain was easing and we got ourselves ready with no problems.
The Swim; 2.4 miles. 7.00am.
As it turns out it was near perfect swim conditions - almost warm, very calm and at this point we were unaware that at 8.30am the water would not be cleared as safe to swim in! Not sure why, maybe due to the heavy rains washing something nasty in but many reports of vomiting and the squits following the race. Depends how much of it you drank I guess but no real issues in the ATHelite camp - we are obviously used to swimming in dodgy water. The race organisers could not get the intermediate bouys out due to the weather but sighting on the 3 bridges was no problem.
Colin 1.06.36 (bang on target - very pleased & 6 mins up on last year)
Genevieve 1.11.39 (also bang on & also 6 mins up on last year)
Derek 1.18.49 (very impressed - see what a difference a wetsuit can make!)
Graeme 1.24.29 (as above)
Transition 1
Genevieve 3.21 (speedy)
Colin 4.06 (speedy)
Graeme 5.45 (ok - not too bad)
Derek 7.11 (wardrobe change?!)
The Bike; 112 miles
This was advertised as a fast flat course but it was actually quite a rolling technically demanding 2 lap circuit with a head wind in every direction. As we exited the streets of Copenhagen the slippery wet city roads & bridges were full of potential hazards & my speedo packed up in the water after 1 mile - not good for pacing. Once clear of the city streets it was into an aero tuck for the long drag up the coast into the head wind before eventually turning onto the rolling country roads. Sharp corners, flooded sections & lots of flints and rubbish in the road following the heavy downpours & a section of bone shaking cobbles (twice). Just another day of normal training for us thanks to South Lanarkshire & Ayrshire Cooncil but we saw many many people at the road side punctured. Poor Mark Daly picked up 5 punctures, so unlucky as he was on for a flyer.
I had thought I would catch Genevieve mid way through the bike but as time went by I began to worry she had had issues on the swim & was actually behind me. No need to worry - as we finished the second lap & headed towards Copenhagen again I finally saw her up ahead but had to stop to pull debris out of my wheel and never saw her again on the bike. I was pleased with my time but Genevieve 'chicked' all of us with an incredible bike. It turns out she rode the fastest bike split of anyone internationally in her entire age group and after a subsequent 1st place T2 time also she started the marathon in 1st position in her age group. I exited T2 pretty quickly also and set off on the marathon. Graeme & Derek started almost an hour after us and were both having a good go at the bike course too.
Genevieve 5.34.01 (Ave speed 20.2mph - 10 mins quicker than last year on a tough course)
Colin 5.34.47 (Ave speed 20.2mph - 8 mins quicker than last year)
Graeme 5.52.19 (Ave speed 19.6mph - an awesome ride)
Derek 7.14.14 (Also lost his speedo but Ave speed 15.5mph & very pleased)
Transition 2
Genevieve 1.51 (Quick)
Colin 1.56 (Quick)
Derek 5.12 (Getting changed again?)
Graeme 6.12 (Not sure what was going on here Graeme?)
The Run; 26.2 miles
This is what it all comes down to - getting off the bike as fresh as possible & hanging on for dear life. I felt much better than last year & got in to a good pace straight away. The 3 loop run course meandered through the city centre alongside the waterfront, featuring many twists, turns, bridges & uncomfortable cobbles but also the most amazing crowds. The atmosphere was incredible & they estimate that there were around 125,000 spectators on the run course alone - just awesome. We all held our pace well throughout the run, I caught Genevieve after about 5 or 6 miles & we caught glimpses of each other, Graeme & Derek around the course. Alan & Adele were fantastic support on the run - my hands were stinging from all the high 5's! It was hot with the temperature rising to about 28 degrees but we all kept moving well & the final run down the finish chute was electric. Felix - the CEO of the Challenge Series had promised to be on the finish line & he gave me my final high 5 as I crossed the line. I didn't have to wait too long for Genevieve to arrive & she was over the moon.
Graeme & Derek were still out on the course but keeping the pace up & wouldn't be too far behind. What a race from those two guys in their first Ironman distance races.
Colin 10.25.52 (Targeting sub 10.30. A 27 minute PB!)
Genevieve 11.01.52 (Targeting sub 11.30. A 40 minute PB!)
Graeme 12.03.43 (Just wanted to finish & did it in style)
Derek 12.45.32 (Hoping for 13.30 but cleared this by a mile)
This was a fantastic incredibly well organised event - a very different environment to last years race in Barcelona but equally as enjoyable. The Danish people are the most friendly & welcoming folk I have ever come across & it was great fun training & racing with all our guys & supporters there.
Another big race ticked off - lets see what's next!
Everything had gone to plan getting myself, Genevieve, Alan and Graeme across to Copenhagen Ikea Airport. I should have known it was all going too well. A long nervous wait as our bikes appeared, as did sister Adele from her London flight, but our luggage did not. It eventually popped out half an hour later on a different carousel and with a sigh of relief we dragged our numerous big boxes past the broken lifts down to the Metro only to be turned away due to our (my) excessive cargo and headed back to the terminal. Eventually Alan came up trumps with a huge taxi and we headed for our apartment. Having been dumped in the street we realised we had brought no further address or contact details with us and spent a good hour standing in the street scouring websites and calling confused foreigners before gaining access to our 4 bed (ah - there's 5 of us!) accomodation (up 9 flights of stairs - try that with a bike box).
In the afternoon we headed to the slightly disappointing Expo, registered for the race, went food shopping and finally collapsed fed & watered exhausted into bed.
A bit of a calmer today. Race Briefing at 10.00 was clear and threw up no surprises then we met up with Derek and Mark Daly and headed down to the swim course for a dip. Lovely calm water and almost warm. The only confusion was on Marks part when he took his wetsuit out of his bag and it wasn't even his! Bizarre but true. Fortunately it appeared to belong to someone else the same size.
Friday pm - an uneventful Bike building and test followed by the pasta party in the evening. Nice pasta but no cake? Come on Denmark, really....not even a pastry!
Not too much to do today other than check the bikes in later in the day. Everyone was calm whereas the weather was not and was starting to look like it could an issue. As we headed out on the journey to the swim start to check in bikes the weather was increasingly horrific. The driving rain was getting increasingly bad, the wind was picking up and the sea was not looking the least bit inviting. It was impossible to set up your bike - transition was already underwater. All we could do was rack the bikes, put the rain covers on and tie them on as best we could. Unfortunately the transition bags were to be hung outside and were instantly saturated. We trudged away feeling distinctly edgy. It turns out that what we were experiencing was one of the worst days of weather in Copenhagen in the last 50 years!
Sunday - Race Day!!
Barely slept all night then the alarm went off at 3.45am. After all the long months of training the big day was finally here. The rain seemed to get harder and harder all night but at least seemed to have calmed slightly as we peered out into the dark. We trudged down to the metro at 4.45 with the late night revellers looking on confused as we headed nervously to the swim start. On arrival into Transition it looked like it had been hit by a tidal wave - bikes sitting in lakes of water & the racking holding the transition bags had collapsed in the night. Fortunately the rain was easing and we got ourselves ready with no problems.
The Swim; 2.4 miles. 7.00am.
As it turns out it was near perfect swim conditions - almost warm, very calm and at this point we were unaware that at 8.30am the water would not be cleared as safe to swim in! Not sure why, maybe due to the heavy rains washing something nasty in but many reports of vomiting and the squits following the race. Depends how much of it you drank I guess but no real issues in the ATHelite camp - we are obviously used to swimming in dodgy water. The race organisers could not get the intermediate bouys out due to the weather but sighting on the 3 bridges was no problem.
Colin 1.06.36 (bang on target - very pleased & 6 mins up on last year)
Genevieve 1.11.39 (also bang on & also 6 mins up on last year)
Derek 1.18.49 (very impressed - see what a difference a wetsuit can make!)
Graeme 1.24.29 (as above)
Transition 1
Genevieve 3.21 (speedy)
Colin 4.06 (speedy)
Graeme 5.45 (ok - not too bad)
Derek 7.11 (wardrobe change?!)
The Bike; 112 miles
This was advertised as a fast flat course but it was actually quite a rolling technically demanding 2 lap circuit with a head wind in every direction. As we exited the streets of Copenhagen the slippery wet city roads & bridges were full of potential hazards & my speedo packed up in the water after 1 mile - not good for pacing. Once clear of the city streets it was into an aero tuck for the long drag up the coast into the head wind before eventually turning onto the rolling country roads. Sharp corners, flooded sections & lots of flints and rubbish in the road following the heavy downpours & a section of bone shaking cobbles (twice). Just another day of normal training for us thanks to South Lanarkshire & Ayrshire Cooncil but we saw many many people at the road side punctured. Poor Mark Daly picked up 5 punctures, so unlucky as he was on for a flyer.
I had thought I would catch Genevieve mid way through the bike but as time went by I began to worry she had had issues on the swim & was actually behind me. No need to worry - as we finished the second lap & headed towards Copenhagen again I finally saw her up ahead but had to stop to pull debris out of my wheel and never saw her again on the bike. I was pleased with my time but Genevieve 'chicked' all of us with an incredible bike. It turns out she rode the fastest bike split of anyone internationally in her entire age group and after a subsequent 1st place T2 time also she started the marathon in 1st position in her age group. I exited T2 pretty quickly also and set off on the marathon. Graeme & Derek started almost an hour after us and were both having a good go at the bike course too.
Genevieve 5.34.01 (Ave speed 20.2mph - 10 mins quicker than last year on a tough course)
Colin 5.34.47 (Ave speed 20.2mph - 8 mins quicker than last year)
Graeme 5.52.19 (Ave speed 19.6mph - an awesome ride)
Derek 7.14.14 (Also lost his speedo but Ave speed 15.5mph & very pleased)
Transition 2
Genevieve 1.51 (Quick)
Colin 1.56 (Quick)
Derek 5.12 (Getting changed again?)
Graeme 6.12 (Not sure what was going on here Graeme?)
The Run; 26.2 miles
This is what it all comes down to - getting off the bike as fresh as possible & hanging on for dear life. I felt much better than last year & got in to a good pace straight away. The 3 loop run course meandered through the city centre alongside the waterfront, featuring many twists, turns, bridges & uncomfortable cobbles but also the most amazing crowds. The atmosphere was incredible & they estimate that there were around 125,000 spectators on the run course alone - just awesome. We all held our pace well throughout the run, I caught Genevieve after about 5 or 6 miles & we caught glimpses of each other, Graeme & Derek around the course. Alan & Adele were fantastic support on the run - my hands were stinging from all the high 5's! It was hot with the temperature rising to about 28 degrees but we all kept moving well & the final run down the finish chute was electric. Felix - the CEO of the Challenge Series had promised to be on the finish line & he gave me my final high 5 as I crossed the line. I didn't have to wait too long for Genevieve to arrive & she was over the moon.
Graeme & Derek were still out on the course but keeping the pace up & wouldn't be too far behind. What a race from those two guys in their first Ironman distance races.
Colin 10.25.52 (Targeting sub 10.30. A 27 minute PB!)
Genevieve 11.01.52 (Targeting sub 11.30. A 40 minute PB!)
Graeme 12.03.43 (Just wanted to finish & did it in style)
Derek 12.45.32 (Hoping for 13.30 but cleared this by a mile)
This was a fantastic incredibly well organised event - a very different environment to last years race in Barcelona but equally as enjoyable. The Danish people are the most friendly & welcoming folk I have ever come across & it was great fun training & racing with all our guys & supporters there.
Another big race ticked off - lets see what's next!
Monday, 9 August 2010
Race Week!!
After what seems like an eternity of training, Race Week is finally upon us.
The taper has gone to plan. With an initial few days of being unable to sleep due to not burning so much energy we seem to have settled down now, the bikes are serviced, polished & packed & most of our race day equipment & other belongings are packed. Quite organised really. Last year it was a bit of a rush getting everything ready as well as sorting out everything for the shop but this year we are slicker. Going into Ironman stressed does not help you on race day.
We have had a final massage this afternoon, a gentle run tonight (Monday) with the JogScotland Group and a short swim session early tomorrow morning then that is us until we arrive in Copenhagen.
We travel down to Manchester on Wednesday afternoon where we stay briefly overnight before the 7.00am flight to Denmark on Thursday.
Thursday will involve us locating & getting checked into our appartment as well as going through the Athlete Registration in the afternoon.
On Friday we have an early morning swim on the race circuit, the Pre-Race Briefing mid-Morning, build & test the bikes & a short 10 min run, then the Pasta Party in the evening.
On Saturday we have another early morning short sharp swim, bike, run. The rest of the day is just spent getting organised & trying to relax followed the Bike Check-in into Transition in the evening.
Sunday = up at 4.30am for RACE DAY!!
I will attempt to update on the athelite facebook page and you can track us on the day by our race numbers on the Challenge Copenahagen Website.
156 Genevieve Freeman - Age Group Swim start 7.05
445 Colin Freeman - Age Group Swim start 7.15
1678 Graeme Allan - Age Group Swim start 7.55
1658 Derek Stewart - Age Group Swim start 7.55
The taper has gone to plan. With an initial few days of being unable to sleep due to not burning so much energy we seem to have settled down now, the bikes are serviced, polished & packed & most of our race day equipment & other belongings are packed. Quite organised really. Last year it was a bit of a rush getting everything ready as well as sorting out everything for the shop but this year we are slicker. Going into Ironman stressed does not help you on race day.
We have had a final massage this afternoon, a gentle run tonight (Monday) with the JogScotland Group and a short swim session early tomorrow morning then that is us until we arrive in Copenhagen.
We travel down to Manchester on Wednesday afternoon where we stay briefly overnight before the 7.00am flight to Denmark on Thursday.
Thursday will involve us locating & getting checked into our appartment as well as going through the Athlete Registration in the afternoon.
On Friday we have an early morning swim on the race circuit, the Pre-Race Briefing mid-Morning, build & test the bikes & a short 10 min run, then the Pasta Party in the evening.
On Saturday we have another early morning short sharp swim, bike, run. The rest of the day is just spent getting organised & trying to relax followed the Bike Check-in into Transition in the evening.
Sunday = up at 4.30am for RACE DAY!!
I will attempt to update on the athelite facebook page and you can track us on the day by our race numbers on the Challenge Copenahagen Website.
156 Genevieve Freeman - Age Group Swim start 7.05
445 Colin Freeman - Age Group Swim start 7.15
1678 Graeme Allan - Age Group Swim start 7.55
1658 Derek Stewart - Age Group Swim start 7.55
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Don't forget we've a night out booked
Date - Saturday 21st August
Venue - Spice, The Village, East Kilbride
Time - meet for a drink 7.15/7.30 (table booked for 8pm)
Date - Saturday 21st August
Venue - Spice, The Village, East Kilbride
Time - meet for a drink 7.15/7.30 (table booked for 8pm)
Training W/C 9th August
Monday - RUN, ATHelite EK, 6.15pm
Tuesday - SWIM, Tollcross, 7.00am Efforts
Wednesday - SWIM, Tollcross, 7.00am Long Steady
.................. - SWIM, Open Water 6.15pm
Thursday - RUN, ATHelite, EK, 6.15pm
Friday - SWIM, Open Water, Loch Lomond. 6.45/6.50pm (500mtr - 3k!!)
Saturday - BIKE, 9.00am
Long steady ride meet at the top of Hurlawcrook Road as per run.
Sunday - RUN, 9.00am
The usual Sunday run will start at 9am, meeting point at the top of Hurlawcrook Road just before the turn off for Langlands golf course.
Tuesday - SWIM, Tollcross, 7.00am Efforts
Wednesday - SWIM, Tollcross, 7.00am Long Steady
.................. - SWIM, Open Water 6.15pm
Thursday - RUN, ATHelite, EK, 6.15pm
Friday - SWIM, Open Water, Loch Lomond. 6.45/6.50pm (500mtr - 3k!!)
Saturday - BIKE, 9.00am
Long steady ride meet at the top of Hurlawcrook Road as per run.
Sunday - RUN, 9.00am
The usual Sunday run will start at 9am, meeting point at the top of Hurlawcrook Road just before the turn off for Langlands golf course.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
London 2012 Olympic Games volunteers
The search for 70,000 London 2012 Olympic Games volunteers starts today and British Triathlon, in partnership with triathlonscotland, wants to provide passionate and experienced sport volunteers the opportunity to support the delivery of the 2012 triathlon events.
We are searching for volunteers who have specialist experience within triathlon events, and will be able to contribute to what British Triathlon aim to make the most memorable Olympic event of 2012.
To apply you will need to have access to a bespoke British Triathlon code and unique identifier, which recognises you as an active sports volunteer from our fast growing, modern and dynamic Olympic sport of triathlon
For all Home Nation members, we have created a simple process to enable you to access the bespoke code and identifier, which requires you to follow two simple steps.
Register your interest by clicking here.
Receive the bespoke code and identifier in a confirmation email, alongside guidance from London 2012 on how to apply.
There is further information available on the British Triathlon website, or on the London 2012 website:
Alternatively contact the British Triathlon team via email:
We are searching for volunteers who have specialist experience within triathlon events, and will be able to contribute to what British Triathlon aim to make the most memorable Olympic event of 2012.
To apply you will need to have access to a bespoke British Triathlon code and unique identifier, which recognises you as an active sports volunteer from our fast growing, modern and dynamic Olympic sport of triathlon
For all Home Nation members, we have created a simple process to enable you to access the bespoke code and identifier, which requires you to follow two simple steps.
Register your interest by clicking here.
Receive the bespoke code and identifier in a confirmation email, alongside guidance from London 2012 on how to apply.
There is further information available on the British Triathlon website, or on the London 2012 website:
Alternatively contact the British Triathlon team via email:
Lastest update from Challenge Copenhagen....
........A lot of talk about jelly fish! And yes there are jellyfish that sting right now at Amager Beach Park, BUT all water in the laguna shifts in 24 hours, and therefor, so does the jelly fish. There is nothing we, or nobody else in the world, can do about jellyfish in the ocean (!), but we will keep a close eye on the situation. On training swims we recommend vaseline which keep the stinging from happening
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