Tuesday 4 November 2008

Last week.

Well - what a performance from Pamela in Florida . We always knew she was strong on the bike but completing the bike course only 35 minutes slower than Bella Commerford is just fantastic.

Watch this space for her race report - looking forward to it. She should be able to write soon.

A good training week for Mr & Mrs ATHelite last week, managing to squeeze in 12 training hours around all the work hours & other commitments. We are having a running focussed fortnight as Mr ATHelite looks towards the Buchlyvie Half Marathon on the 16th. One more higher mileage week this week then a recovery week next week.

Sunday turned into a big training day as we did our hour of Core Strength including the first session using the weights. We are both hoping to loosen off enough to be able to lift a pen later on today!
We followed that with a 10 mile run, 4 hours at work & then another 40 minute run to Blantyre to catch Mandy's Charity hour long spin class. Great fun & not as knackered afterwards as expected!
Only problem with the spin class is that it aggrevated my sore hip again, so proof that the bike is the cause. No biking again for me this week then. Mrs ATHelite is hitting the rollers again up the club on Weds.

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